Dariol Mould Aluminium 67x56mm / 120ml

Chef Inox

Dariol Mould Aluminium 67x56mm / 120ml

This aluminium dariole mould is an essential for any professional catering environment. Designed to accommodate desserts, starters and sides, the mould produces identical cylindrical servings every time, enhancing the presentation of your dishes and helping you control portions sizes with great accuracy.
Chef Inox has an immense range of professional kitchen utensils and cookware that, short of doing the cooking for you, will certainly make your cooking experience much easier. Designed to be reliable, durable and easy to maintain making it a firm favourite with Chefs. For stainless steel and aluminium cookware, bakeware, utensils, accessories and more, you can do no better than Chef Inox.

  • Aluminium
  • 67x56mm

Product Code66235

Product Dimensions H × W × D6cm x 7cm x 7cm (Out of Pack)

Product Weight0.04 kg

Packaging Multiple 10 IN 250 OUT